NOC, NOC. Many Gbps of Bandwidth awaits!

We're LIVE at HOPE XV!!
The Eta Omicron Rho Xi team is back, ensuring reliable and fast network connectivity for all attendees. From workshops to keynotes, we're here to keep you connected.
- Find us in Tobin 211 for any questions, comments, concerns.
WiFi Connection Instructions
- The password for "HOPE-XV" is "hope2024".
- The "HOPE-XV" network requires a WPA2 PSK for access.
- DNS is provided by (UDP, DoH, DoT), or utilize your own resolver of choice (you can trust us ™).
Latest Announcements
Network Status
Real-Time Network Traffic (Last 15 Minutes)
Traffic Categories Consuming the Most Bandwidth
Have a request? Need support?
Find us in Tobin 211 for any questions or urgent requests.
Need assistance? Visit us in Tobin 211, and a team member will assist you.
Do I have a public IP address? No, all IP addresses at this conference are internal and use overload NAT.
How are we connected to the Internet? St. John's is our ISP (AS18564), providing over 100 Gbps of blended connectivity through Cogent, Charter, and NYSERNet.
Can I abuse your infrastructure? Please don't. We prefer not to have to track down infra-abusers. ;)
Can I get a wired connection? Yes, wired access is available in the NOC for special situations. Just ask!
Why don't I get 100 Gbps on my phone? Physics and current technology limitations...
Something's not working, help! Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Are you monitoring me? We're not watching too closely unless you disrupt the infra, but be aware that Big Brother might be.
Can I host a server? Absolutely. Visit us for assistance.
I see a HOPE-XV-SASE network, what is that? It's a plug-and-play FortiSASE implementation with FortiAP in the NOC.
Do you drink? Currently, 50% of us enjoy wine, while the other 50% prefer not to drink. But we all love water :)
What is Eta Omicron Rho Xi? We are an inclusive, non-recognized fraternity open to everyone. You can usually find us in the NOC. Over the years, we've become a close-knit group, always welcoming new friends to join us for dinner or city explorations.
Who created this website? This website was entirely crafted by ChatGPT.
Are these data points (graph and websites) accurate? Absolutely not.